Developing Internal Security Champions – Online

Developing Internal Security Champions – Online

Developing internal security champions - Online - three days

Duration: 3 days / 18 hours
Delivery method: Online instructor lead delivery (Zoom/Teams/ Webex) / In-company training
Target Audience: This course is designed for internal security departments
Cost: Available upon application
Language: English
Course code:ARSC3-O

Empower Your Workforce to Safeguard Your Business: Unleash the Potential of Internal Security Champions

Introduction: In an ever-evolving security landscape, the role of security is no longer confined to a specialized department—it extends across your entire organization. The Developing Internal Security Champions course is meticulously crafted to equip your non-security personnel with the foundational knowledge and skills to become vigilant defenders of your business, supporting a unified view of security risk and your multi-layered approach to corporate security. Transform your workforce into a network of informed security champions who amplify your internal security oversight, foster a strong security culture, and contribute to a holistic approach to safeguarding your enterprise.


Potential course benefits, the why 

This comprehensive course establishes the groundwork for creating Internal Security Champions. Understand the fundamental principles of security awareness, threat identification, and incident reporting.
Discover how to enhance the reach and impact of your internal security department through a network of vigilant employees. Learn to leverage the collective knowledge and observation skills of your workforce to identify potential risks.
Cultivate a security culture that transcends departmental boundaries. Empower your workforce with the tools to prioritize security in their daily routines, fostering a shared responsibility for safeguarding your organization.
Equip your newly created security champions with the ethical guidelines and communication skills needed to provide valuable feedback and report incidents. Ensure that their contributions lead to actionable insights for a proactive security strategy
By creating Internal Security Champions, you extend your organization's reach and vigilance. Transform employees into proactive participants who actively contribute to identifying and addressing security threats.
Amplify your incident detection capabilities by tapping into the collective observations of your security champions. Uncover potential vulnerabilities and threats from various angles, ensuring a well-rounded security strategy
Empower your Internal Security Champions to provide ethical and actionable feedback. Encourage open communication and collaboration between different departments, enabling the internal security department to make informed decisions.
The proactive insights provided by security champions allow your internal security department to respond swiftly to emerging threats, minimizing potential damage and disruption.

The Developing Internal Security Champions course is your gateway to transforming your employees into a formidable line of defense for your organization. By nurturing a security culture and empowering security champions, you magnify your internal security oversight, enhance your incident response capabilities, and create a holistic approach to safeguarding your business.

Contact us at  to learn more or enroll in the course today. Equip your workforce with the knowledge and skills to become proactive defenders of your business’s security, ensuring a resilient and vigilant organisational system.

SWOT on Developing Internal Security Champions

Are you ready to elevate your company’s security strategy to new heights? Introducing a groundbreaking opportunity that transforms your non-security professionals into vigilant defenders of your corporate fortress. Welcome to Developing Internal Security Champions – a pioneering course designed to harness the collective power of your workforce and bolster your security objectives like never before.

  1. Unleash Hidden Talents: Your workforce is brimming with untapped potential. By training non-security professionals, you harness a diverse range of skills, insights, and perspectives that traditional security teams may lack.
  2. Enhanced Vigilance: With a network of vigilant eyes and ears across the organization, potential threats are identified faster, allowing for proactive responses that safeguard your company's assets and reputation.
  3. Cohesive Culture: Fostering a culture of security awareness unites your team in a shared commitment to protect your company's integrity, creating a collaborative environment where security is everyone's responsibility.
  1. Initial Resistance: Some non-security professionals may initially feel unqualified or hesitant to embrace security roles. The course expertly addresses these concerns, building confidence through comprehensive training.
  2. Skill Standardisation: Ensuring a consistent level of security expertise across multiple departments can be a challenge. How to standardise training that consistently maintains an understanding of security principles, with an ever evolving threat landscape.
  1. Amplified Security Posture: Empowered with security knowledge, your Internal Security Champions become an integral part of your defence strategy, making your company a less attractive target for potential threats.
  2. Innovation Nexus: Fresh perspectives from non-traditional security roles can spark innovative solutions that enhance your security landscape and adapt to evolving risks.
  3. Career Growth: Offering your team the chance to become Internal Security Champions enhances professional development, boosting job satisfaction and fostering loyalty.
  1. Misalignment: Integrating security roles with existing responsibilities may lead to role confusion or misplaced priorities. The course ensures a seamless integration process that aligns with your company's objectives.
  2. Time Constraints: Balancing training with daily responsibilities can be challenging.

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, the traditional approach to security simply isn’t enough. By enrolling your non-security professionals in  Developing Internal Security Champions,  you’re not just creating a safer workplace – you’re cultivating a culture of vigilance, resilience, and empowerment that drives your company’s success.

Join us on the journey to a fortified future. Invest in your team’s security prowess today to safeguard your corporate legacy tomorrow. Together, we’ll raise the shields and secure your company’s future like never before.

In-house courses

Whist Zoom is a default setting for the above course, online delivery, this course could be delivered via Microsoft Teams or Webex.

Bespoken inhouse delivery: No matter how good a chef is, a person will modify the plate in front of them and may even leave some items on the side.

The above course can be modified to better fit, the needs of your organisation

Delivery options (online courses)

This course can be delivered over three consecutive days.
Example: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday in a given week

Alternatively: the course can be split over a three week period
Example: three consecutive Thursdays

Frequently asked questions 

No, as with more eyes seeing more, there will be more work for your internal security department, as you improve your security posture.
No, the course is designed for organisations with an internal security departments, that want to utilise their non-security staff, in supporting their security mission and vision. This does not remove dedicated security personnel or the needs to adhere to national law/compliance.
Yes, (example: security ambassador) but it is recommend the title you use, should not be confused with a security practitioners role and responsibilities in your organisation.
This would be an internal decision, as the staff assigned as Internal Security Champions will already be internal staff. The course will signpost attendees to non-restricted security publications and resources. In addition, the course will go through areas to consider for the cycle of the security champion role.
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Developing Internal Security Champions – Online

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