Creating security awareness campaign

Creating security awareness campaign

Awareness Online

Duration: 1 days / 6 hours 
Delivery method: Online/ In-company training
Target Audience: This course is for internal security departments, that want to understand the tools that are available to create their own security campaign.
Cost: Available upon application
Language: English
Course code: CSAC1-O


This course will guide you through the essential principles and practical strategies for raising awareness, educating employees, and fostering a culture of security consciousness.

This course will provide you with the tools to design and implement impactful campaigns. You’ll learn how to identify key security risks, communicate them effectively, and engage your audience with compelling content and activities.

Potential course benefits, the why 

Internal campaigns foster a culture of security awareness within the organisation, where security is prioritised and integrated into daily operations, rather than viewed as an afterthought.
By educating employees about security threats and best practices, internal awareness campaigns help mitigate the risk of security breaches, data leaks, and other incidents.
Increased awareness among employees leads to better adherence to security policies and procedures, enhancing the overall security posture of the organisation.
Educated employees are more likely to recognise suspicious behavior, such as phishing emails or unauthorised access attempts, and report them promptly, allowing for timely intervention and mitigation.
Awareness campaigns help employees recognize the value of sensitive information and understand their role in safeguarding it, reducing the likelihood of data breaches and leaks.
Proactive internal security awareness initiatives may result in cost savings by reducing the cost requirement for outside consultants and internal time to manage the contractual process.
Security awareness training empowers employees to take an active role in protecting themselves and the company against threats, boosting morale and job satisfaction.

SWOT on designing and creating an internal security awareness campaigns

  • Customization: Internal campaigns can be tailored to the specific needs and concerns of the organization, making them more relevant and effective.
  • Access: Organizations have direct access to employees, allowing for easy dissemination of information and training materials.
  • Control: Internal campaigns allow organizations to maintain control over the messaging and ensure consistency in communication.
  • Feedback: Organizations can gather feedback directly from employees to continually improve and refine the campaign.
  • Integration: Internal campaigns can be integrated into existing training programs and corporate culture, enhancing their impact
  • Resistance: Employees may resist participating in security awareness activities if they perceive them as time-consuming or irrelevant to their job responsibilities.
  • Cost: Designing and implementing an effective internal campaign requires resources, including time, money, and expertise.
  • Complacency: Employees may become complacent or forgetful about security practices over time, requiring ongoing reinforcement.
  • Complexity: Security awareness topics can be complex, making it challenging to effectively communicate key concepts to employees with varying levels of technical expertise.
  • Measurement: It can be difficult to measure the effectiveness of internal security awareness campaigns and quantify their impact on reducing security incidents.
  • Training: Internal campaigns provide an opportunity to educate employees about emerging security threats and best practices for protecting sensitive information.
  • Engagement: Well-designed campaigns can increase employee engagement and foster a culture of security awareness within the organization.
  • Innovation: Organizations can leverage technology and creative approaches to deliver engaging and interactive security awareness content.
  • Collaboration: Internal campaigns can facilitate collaboration between different departments, such as IT, HR, and management, to address security challenges holistically.
  • Adaptation: Internal campaigns can be adapted to address specific security concerns or regulatory requirements facing the organization
  • Employee Turnover: High turnover rates can pose challenges for maintaining consistent security awareness across the organization.
  • Compliance Requirements: Failure to comply with industry regulations or legal requirements related to data protection can result in financial penalties and damage to the organization's reputation.
  • Lack of Leadership Support: Without strong support from senior leadership, internal security awareness campaigns may struggle to gain traction and resources within the organization.
  • Competing Priorities: Security awareness initiatives may compete for attention and resources with other organizational priorities, such as productivity and revenue generation.
  • In-house courses

    Zoom is a default setting for this course, it could be delivered via Microsoft Teams or Webex.

    Bespoken inhouse delivery: No matter how good a chef is, a person will modify the plate in front of them and may even leave some items on the side.

    The above course can be modified to better fit, the appetite of your organisation

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